Q.Can Wisteria stay potted in winter?
Can wisteria stay potted? Will it winter over without pruning back heavily?
Wisteria normally do not make good container plants because they grow too big and too fast. That being said, if you use a large enough pot or tub, it may make it, though it won't stay small and will still require pruning. This article will help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/wisteria/pruning-wisteria.htm
In terms of cold, if you live in zone 5 or higher, it should be fine in a container with no extra care; but if you live in zone 4 or lower, it will need extra protection. If you are in zone 4, wrapping it in burlap and hay or leaves or moving it near a south facing wall should protect it enough for the winter. In zones 3 or less, you would need to move it to a protected area, like an attached garage.