Q.Can Slugs Kill Willow Trees?
We had a beautiful willow tree in our garden and it died. When I examined it, the trunk was covered in slugs. Could they have killed it? It was planted in wet clay soil. Water comes into our garden from neighbours’ gardens. We planted the willow tree to soak up all the water. It thrived for around 5 years.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is important to set beer traps far away from your garden. They are meant to attract the slugs, so putting them near your garden will bring them straight to the feast! It is best to keep these well away from the garden so that you attract them away from your crops.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes. Slugs can devastate many trees and plants!
Here are some articles to help you with slug control:

We tried a beer trap once. It attracted slugs and snails from miles around.