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Azalea Plants

Q.Can security night lights prevent a red azalea from blooming?

Anonymous added on September 10, 2020 | Answered

It has been several growing season since I planted red and white azaleas in groups of three each and beside each other. The reds are not blooming. All azaleas look fine, have no leaf issues or insect problems. They only get cottonseed meal in Spring. There is no pruning done but all of them get light at night (all night long) from “security” night-time lights. Could this form of light explain why all the reds do not bloom?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 10, 2020

According to the article below, night lighting can affect tree dormancy and flower blooms. Most plants need at least 8 hours a day of darkness to grow properly. It's curious, though, that the white bloom. Are the reds closer to the light? That might be a question for your local university extension service.



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