Q.Passion Flower Outdoors in Winter
I have some blue passion flower plants that I planted in the ground, and now it is winter time and I did not bring them indoors. I would like to know if they will survive the winter in the Toronto area? I would also like to know if I can leave the dahlia tubers outdoors as well?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
As for the dahlias, these will need to be dug up and stored. They cannot survive winters in your area. They can be easily lifted with a garden fork or spade shovel prior to the complete die out of their foliage. Break up the clumps and separate the tubers, allowing them to dry out some before storing, usually about a week or two in a cool, dry area.
Then, clip off foliage, shake off any remaining soil, and pack the tubers in dry peat moss or wood shavings within a brown paper bag or cardboard box. Place them in a dark area with cool room temperatures, like a basement, until spring.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While it's often better to grow passion flower in a container that can be overwintered indoors, it is possible to grow the plants outside. In cold regions such as yours, extra protection should be taken, especially passion flower, which is happier in warmer areas. The following article should be of some help to you: