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Asparagus Plants

Q.Can iris harm asparagus bed

Zone Hot Springs, Arkansas | amg560sl added on April 5, 2015 | Answered

I have a 4 yr old bed of Martha Washington and Purple Giant that has done well, approx. 20 plants. This spring only one spear poked up through the mulch. I planted iris in the bed 2 years ago about 2′ from the asparagus. This winter I carefully removed them because they were invading the asparagus. Did I cause harm, and are the iris responsible or should I be looking at something else? Thank you for your time.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 5, 2015

Yes, it is possible that the iris caused your problems only because it is recommended that asparagus be grown in a dedicated bed that is free of weeds and any other competition. You do not want to risk disturbing the asparagus roots with annual garden activities.

However, do not be too quick to blame yourself just yet. I would suggest a wait and see approach, your asparagus may just be a little late coming on this year! Fingers crossed!

For more information on asparagus beds, please visit the following link:

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