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Impatiens Plants

Q.Can Impatients Thrive In The Sun?

Zone 18252 | Anonymous added on July 16, 2021 | Answered

i i love impatients at my front door but i don’t know about sun..leaves re yellowish and sort of thick and crackly

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 19, 2021

They can withstand "part sun", if you acclimate the plant slowly to higher sunlight levels in the space of a week or so. To avoid yellow leaves, keep the soil as evenly moist as you can but never dry. To avoid fungal diseases that can yellow out leaves, do not let the soil get soggy either. So for example, do not water the soil if it is already moist but do consider the forecast in case it will be extremely hot and windy.

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