Q.Can I Use Tea Tree Oil For My Pachira?
Thank you, I’m sending a picture again of one of the leaves I cut. The remain leaves look ok but are just a few. I’m watering every 8 to 10 days but I was doing it more often before so… my bad. I have little kids so natural remedies are my way to go but I can’t find neem oil. Please advice!!! Thanks!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Please refer to my last answer on the tea tree oil. It would be a risk as long as you are ok losing the tree, but so could not treating it. This is a mild case, so using a mix of 1/4 peroxide to 3/4 water will likely clear it up.
The most important thing from here will be to let it dry thoroughly between watering. Since this is a mild case, you will likely see the plant clear up after a few months with proper watering habits.