Q.Can I Use Jar Garlic To Make Garlic Spray To Deter Grasshoppers? Or Do I Have To Use Fresh Garlic?
I have a plague of grasshoppers in my relatively new garden I need to get deter. I don’t want to harm them, but they have destroyed nearly everything I have planted since moving in. Citrus and stone fruit, pelargoniums, passionfruit, geraniums, buddleia, heliotrope – you name it, they’ve completely defoliated it. There are so many of them I feel like it’s going to take a long time to move them along. If I do end up spending weeks making batches of garlic spray, it would be convenient to just spoon it out of a jar. I’m also trying to attract lizards and birds to predate on them naturally, but the yard I bought was completely barren, so it will take a while for the trees and micro-habitats to become established.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Jarred or pickled garlic should be just fine if it still has its pungent smell. These articles will help: