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Q.Can I Transplant My Leggy Cherry Tomatoes In The Garden?

Zone 04073 | Anonymous added on May 5, 2023 | Answered

I bought my cherry tomato seedlings a little to early. I am in Maine and we still have a couple weeks before the danger of frost is gone. My plants are starting to flower and seem pretty leggy. Is there a way to save these plants? I have read about pinching the flowers off, but I am not sure where to pinch? The whole branch the flowers are on? Or just the flower bud itself? I have also read about repotting and burying some of the stem. But I don’t know how deep I can bury them. Or how many lower branches I can cut off. Please help!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2023

Yes, you can. This article says to plant them horizontally so that all the leggy stem is underground except the top sets of leaves.


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