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Honeysuckle Plants

Q.Can I transplant my honeysuckle at anytime?

Zone Southeastern Ohio | Anonymous added on August 15, 2016 | Answered

I need to move my honeysuckle vine. Is it safe to do so at this time if I live in southeastern Ohio?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 15, 2016

You will need to do a little work prior to moving the honeysuckle vine.
Cut the plant back by 1/3 2 months prior to moving the plant. This helps the roots reduce the plant they need to feed.
At the same time cut down about 10 inches into the soil all around the base of the plant in about a 12" radius.
Use a sharp shovel but do not lift the plant. This will encourage the plant to grow out new short roots that will help feed the plant after transplanting.
This time frame should be perfect for a fall move for the plant.
Dig up the root ball from the existing cuts you made. Move the plant immediately to it's new planting site.
Use the link below to refresh you on the growing conditions. Make sure you plant the vine at the same level it was previous and water well.


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