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Amaryllis Plants

Q.Can I straighten out an Amaryllis bulb that has started growing in the box?

Zone Saint James, NY 11780 | Anonymous added on January 5, 2020 | Answered

I have been forcing amaryllis bulbs for a few Christmas seasons in the past. This year we received a red lion amaryllis bulb kit as a gift. A few days later I opened the box to plant the bulb and found that the bulb has already started growing in a spiral inside the box. The stem is about 10 inches long and it has started to flower. I planted the bulb as directed but the stem is bent off at a 90 degree angle. What can I do to straighten it out. I have been slowly building up cardboard layers under the bulb to force it up and positioning the backside of the bend toward the light. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Byron Lane

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2020

All plants are phototropic and will move with the light. Given enough time it will straighten itself out with no help. If you would like this to happen faster, you will need a fixed source of horticultural grade light directly above the plant. It will grow toward it in time.

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