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Calliandra Eriophylla

Q.can I start a new Fairy Duster Plant from a seed pod?

Zone Glendale AZ | buggy7brain added on April 24, 2019 | Answered

I’ve collected a few of the seed pods from a plant at work.
I’m hoping I can grow one at home using these pods.
I have the perfect sunny, hot location.
If so, can I plant the whole pod , or should I remove the seeds from the pods?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2019

Yes, you can grow fairy duster from seed. I've provided links to 2 articles. One discusses the seed growing process and one has general care of your new plants. Note that germination is faster if the seeds are pre-treated to help break down the hard seed coat. To scarify, rub the seeds with sandpaper or nick them with a knife. Soak them in 120 F. water for an hour and then plant. If the seeds are too hard to nick them, soak them first. Nicking cuts only the seed coat, not into the seed itself.

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