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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Can I Start A Cutting Now From A Bloomstruck Hydrangea That Consists Of Just One Branch?

Zone 64156 | scott.bennett1956 added on November 8, 2020 | Answered

I planted a 1 gallon bloomstruck in April 2019. The plant gets 6+ hrs of sun, facing 75 degrees ENE. I thought that unfortunately the plant didn’t make it, but in the Spring of 2020 one little branch came back green. As of Nov 2020, the whole plant is just that one branch, which is now about 2′ tall. Can I cut the top off, propagate a second plant, and grow it inside over winter? Will the host plant continue to grow to full size ? Thanks!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 10, 2020

You can try taking a cutting and see if it grows better than this one. These hydrangeas prefer part shade, so it's possible it's in too much sun. I'm assuming the plant had several branches when it was purchased. It is supposed to be a non-stop bloomer.

Do not prune it. Endless Summer blooms on old and new wood. (the first bloom is from buds formed the previous season. Successive blooms bud on new growth.) If it needs shaping, do it after the first flush of blooms.

I think I would also have the soil checked. There may be something amiss there. You can do that at your local extension service.


See how it goes another year. It also may have been too young to bloom, but it should have had branches and leaves. I bought one in a quart pot last spring and it had several branches and leaves. It grew some this year but did not flower.

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