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Q.Can I Sow Yellow Rattle Under A Small (3-year) Fruit Tree To Deter The Encroaching Grass? I Have Read That A Ring Of Daffidils Pl

Zone Leicester, England, U.K. | hdplaydon added on April 15, 2023 | Answered

anted at the drip line will help with this; how does that work? The trees have been rather neglected due to illness these past three years and the grass has taken over; however they produce decent fruit (so far) and we are eager to see them thrive. I have also read that planting chives, or garlic chives, within the ring of daffodils will help to overcome the grass. How do these plants repel grass? What is the scientific basis for this, or is it an “old wives’ tale”?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 17, 2023

Plants like these do tend to offer some level of protection due to preventing deeply rooted, hungry, grasses from stealing all nutrients from the area. Some, even, keep them away because of the chemicals that they contain, as well as keeping away browsing animals.





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