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Bulb Care

Q.Can I Replant Bulbs Twice In A Year.

Zone Burlington, IA (summer) and Tucson. AZ (winter) | Anonymous added on October 17, 2021 | Answered

Our bulbs became dormant here in IA approx 1 month ago. We purchased in Tucson last spring and transported them to IA for our summer. We leave this coming Mon for 5 months back in Tucson and I was wondering if I can take the bulbs with me and repot in a month or 2? I took the bulbs out of the soil today and also wonder if I do something special with the offsets growing on the original bulb?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 23, 2021

I'm not clear on the type of bulb they are. Is it summer flowering bulbs that bloomed in Iowa that you are taking back to Arizona? If so, they can just be left in the soil in Iowa over winter. Unless they are canna bulbs or other non hardy bulbs. Bulbs such as Asiatic and Oriental lilies are hardy to zone 4 and can be left in the ground.

If they are non-hardy bulbs like canna, calla or gladiolas, they can be grown in pots and transported back and forth. Or just left in your garage in Iowa over winter.

Here is information about the offsets:

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