Q.Can I Remove Lower Clivia Leaves And Repot Deeper?
I have a 25 year old Clivia that I repot every other year, root pruning and repotting back into it’s original pot. I thought I was putting it at the same depth, but now wonder! Or perhaps after decades of removing dying lower leaves, I’ve created a stalk. There is now 3 inches of tightly wound roots exposed above the soil level, growing in between the lower leaves. Can I remove those leaves and repot deeper? I would be devastated to lose this mother plant! Thank you in advance.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is perfectly normal for the roots to crawl upward. They are just making sure they get plenty of air. You don't need to try to cover them. Just remove any damaged, dead, or excessively long roots above the soil.
Then refresh the potting soil and place the root ball back into the pot, disturbing the roots as little as possible. Clivia blooms better when it's rootbound so you only have to repot every 3 to 5 years.