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Rubber Tree Plants

Q.Can I Put This Plant Outside In The Sun?? I Don’t Know What Type Of Plant This Is.

Zone Brooklyn NY | wilverinepat added on March 18, 2024 | Answered

A lot of people told me to keep it indoors away from the sun.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 18, 2024

The rubber tree, or Ficus elastica, is sensitive to bright light, and even mildly cool temperatures. Anything cooler than 50 degrees will start to kill the plant. This will be best suited as an indoor specimen. Yours looks to be thriving.

As far as care goes... You almost can't kill it outside of cool temperatures and too much sun. I have a tiny one that has been in a coffee container 6 inches tall for about 5 years, now. I wanted to see what a clone of the original could handle. Turns out... They will grow in cramped spaces for years, just fine.

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