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Crab Apple Trees

Q.Can I Prune A John Downie Crab Apple Tree Back Hard?

Zone wrexham | Anonymous added on November 24, 2020 | Answered

I have a tree as above, it’s been planted over 20 years ago, it is about 16ft high and 12 ft wide and shaped like an upside down mushroom.
I have kept it tidy by trimming it bout twice a year but as I am getting older it is more difficult to trim and on one side is a downward bank.
Can I cut this back really hard to about 10 ft tall and 8ft wide, it would remove most of the “growing” leafy parts and leave mostly thick branches with twigs coming off them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 25, 2020

Crabapples don't require a lot of pruning. Wait till late winter or early spring to take any off. You can thin it out over several years rather than take a lot off at once. Whatever you do, do not "top it." Here are tips:



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