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Q.Can I Plant Annual Seeds Over Tulips And Crocus After They Bloom

Zone 72015 | Anonymous added on April 5, 2023 | Answered

I do all of my gardening in containers and would like blooms in the container after the tulips and crocus die back.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 7, 2023

Yes you can, but bear in mind your tulips are considered annuals in your area so you may want to pull them rather than wait for the foliage to die back, which takes weeks. You are in hardiness zones 7b to 8a. The crocus also need several weeks of cold weather to perform reliably, but I believe they are more reliable than tulips. Only our Northern friends can see tulips reliably return. The exception is some species tulips, but most people plant the newer hybrids.



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