Q.Can I plant a Dipladenia as a hanging plant?
I live in Washington State so cold winters and summers are common. I think this flowering vine is beautiful and wish to plant in a pot that can be hung so I can easily move it indoors when weather isn’t suitable for it (which means it would be a “houseplant” most of the time, and instead of letting it trellis up, I would let/clip it so it hangs down), as winters are dark (at times only 4 hours of oftentimes filtered light is common). I have installed 2 “under cabinet” T8 24 inch hanging lights for added much needed synthetic sunlight.

Forgot to mention, the T8 24 inch bulbs are plant/aquarium bulbs, I can get higher UVB bulbs, but would have to move the plant somewhere else, as I have some low light plants in the hallway area