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Q.Can I Just Add Soil Under Grass To Level A Sloping Garden? (approx 2ft High)

Zone scotland | newbienicoll added on July 20, 2020 | Answered

My new house has a sloping garden. Originally I thought to just lift the grass on the high end and remove some soil to level it, but decided having steps up from the patio would look nicer. Could I just use the ‘sweeping under the carpet’ method by lifting the edge and adding soil? We would build a mini wall (2ft) with approx two steps to separate the grass from patio. My concerns are would I need to protect the wall? Would the soil be stable/do I need sand? Will it cause drainage problems? etc. The patio is already build in so its mainly if the wall/steps would cause issues. Thanks for your help! I’m a complete newbie to gardening.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 21, 2020

I don't suspect that leveling the area will cause any problems to the wall. If you are going to use sand, though, I would mix it into a good topsoil. Sand, alone, can cause some issues over time.

Here is an article that will help you to level out this area correctly:


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