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Cherry Laurel

Q.Can I Cut The Bottom Out Of My Cherry Laurel Pots And Stand Under My Hawthorn Bush

Zone Ln69bl | Anonymous added on November 22, 2021 | Answered

Hi I can’t get in to dig where my bush is old and thinning due to the hedge itself and the roots. I want to buy 30 small Cherry Laurel plants and cut the bottom out the pots and force them in to stand at the bottom middle of the hedge. Will the roots grow and find their way down and in a few years take the pots away. The Laurel can then grow up and through my hedge as it is looking bare and holey.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 23, 2021

If I am picturing this correctly, you could cut out the bottom of the pots and set them inside the hedge, but after they grow for a year or two, you would have a terrible time trying to remove the pots. Plus, when you did, you would have exposed roots from the side of the pots.
A better option would be to remove the current old hedge and start anew with the Cherry Laurels.

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