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Wisteria Vines

Q.Can I Cut Back A Wisteria A Lot?

Zone London | Tam990 added on October 27, 2020 | Answered

I am moving home soon and I have a 8 year old potted wisteria that I would like to take with me. Problem is that it’s very well wrapped around my railings and even produce 1 flower bloom this summer. I also think the roots may have gone through the pot. I do not want to stress it too much but is there any way to prune it back for transporting to new home?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2020

You can prune these back pretty heavily with no ill effect. They may fail to flower for a few years after, but it will not kill them.

Here is an article for more information on hard pruning:


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