Q.Can I Attach A Hand Hold To My Crepe Myrtle With A 5/16 Lag Screw?
I have a mature crepe myrtle. Trunk diameter at point I\’d like to attach the hand hold is about 8\” although it\’s oblong – more like 9\” x 7\”. I want to use a single 5/16 lag bolt that will penetrate approximately 3 1/2\” perpendicular to the 7\” cross section and about 36\” above the ground surface. The bolt is zinc plated steel and the hand hold is aluminum ~ 1 1/4\” diameter x 7\” long with the bolt thru the centerline. My feeling is that this wont have any damaging effect to the tree. True?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since it is zinc coated, this will likely not harm the tree. Generally it will be regarded as safe for the tree.
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