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Elderberry Bushes

Q.Can Elderberries That Have Dried On The Bush Be Used?

Zone Stuttgart, Germany | Anonymous added on September 29, 2022 | Answered

We have a HUGE elderberry bush (tree, rather) but went on vacation. Upon return, the elderberries had dried on the bush. Can I still harvest them, and either freeze, keep as dried, or boil them for preserves/syrup, etc. ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 1, 2022

The problem is you didn't get the chance to wash off insects and eggs before drying and pick out unripe or undesirable fruit. Plus they likely were overripe before drying on the vine and could be spoiled or moldy. Also, if they were sundried properly, you would bring them in at night to prevent moisture from condensing on the surface. In short, no preparation controls were utilized.

I would consider them a lost cause this time.



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