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Cucumber Plants

Q.Can A Veg Start Growing Inside Itself

Zone 97013h | Anonymous added on March 26, 2022 | Answered

I Cucumbers and peppers that I picked up at the store in the organic section and I cut them and took the seeds out.anyway It looks like the seeds are starting to grow to me .So I am just curious if I could plant or do you have to let seeds dry out ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 28, 2022

Usually if something goes wrong during seed production, some extra tissue is found inside the vegetable (which is edible). These seeds pictured look like they are swollen with water. I did some research and found that if cucumbers don't get enough water, they put all their resources into their seeds (and they are primarily water).

The article below says the chance of grocery store seeds germinating and growing is slim. Even the organic vegetables are likely hybrids. If they are "heirlooms" you should be OK. Same problems on the peppers.




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