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Pepper Plant

Q.Can a pepper plant still grow if the top was eaten?

Zone 27514 | Anonymous added on July 11, 2019 | Answered

My pepper plant was eaten by a deer. It was about a foot tall maybe a little bigger. The deer ate the top off of the plant and all of the leaves on the bottom, its only a few inches tall now. The leaves have grown back but the top of the stem is brown where the deer bit it. Will it grow back if i just continue watering it? Should I cut off the brown part?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 11, 2019

If you are seeing new growth, then it will, absolutely, recover. Peppers are very resilient, and will take quite a bit of damage. You can cut off the brown part, or leave it, as it will clean itself eventually. I would recommend caging it, though. This will prevent another attack from deer.

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