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Camellia Plants

Q.Camellia growing

Zone Zone 8b (changed recently?)... zip 32570 | zbbcat2 added on August 12, 2017 | Answered

Should I add a tablespoon of lime to my soil when planting a camellia? or more? or none?

I won one at a garden club. They told me they thought it is a Vernalis variety but couldn’t read the label. I am thinking about planting it in a large pot temporarily. It is root bound now and not looking great. I will add black cow or compost to the potting soil (which is better). It has bare tips which are not dead. I want to shape it but think I should wait until Spring?? What type of fertilizer is best for the homeowner camellia garden .. one camellia plant. Tried to upload a picture but don’t think it worked.

Any ideas/suggestions you have to make this a beautiful plant will be appreciated.

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Answered on August 14, 2017
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