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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Calla Lilies

Zone Louisville, Kentucky | B24ert added on November 15, 2015 | Answered

I can’t remember the actual name for my Callas, but they are the very large, white bloom. Anyway, I just dug them up to store them and they had few, if any, actual bulbs on them. Most were in a garden, but some were in pots. The plants in the large pots were a mass of roots and obviously pot bound. The plants in the ground did not have any bulbs either. The greenery on all the plants was very heavy and thick. I have had these plants for many years and they were gorgeous giving many, many blooms every year until I moved them to where I could enjoy them more. Have I lost them? Also, I did not get a single bloom this year. We had a very hard winter last year.

Any ideas, or advice will be appreciated. I’ll try to attack photos.
Thanks, Kevin

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