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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Calla Lilies Not Happy

Zone Zone 8 | gptundra added on June 15, 2020 | Answered

Hello! A professional planted three callalilies for me about a month ago in a nicely raised garden bed with amended soil and slow release fertilizer- don’t know the formula of the fertilizer. they looked great with many bright orange flowers for the first two weeks and then went downhill fast- some drooping and most all the flowers turning dark brownish. Rain has been plentiful- I have watered as well- we are in Fort Mill Sc -zone 8- with a southwest exposure. Under watered Overwatered? Something else? I APPRECIATE any help! Glenn Thompson

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2020

This can be normal progression as the plants settle into the new environment. I'm wondering about that mulch. If it is not properly aged, or too fresh, it may leech nitrogen away from the plants.

Watering should be done as the top inch around them starts to dry, pretty thoroughly. They need moisture, but the alternating drying and wetting is what will allow gas exchange at the root level.

Other than that, continued care will ensure that they perform at their best. Here is an article that will help:


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