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Calibrachoa Plants

Q.Calibrachoa Not Flowering

Zone Lodi, 95242 | Anonymous added on July 12, 2023 | Answered

In your article to get my million bells to flower it states to use a fertilizer of 20-10-20. I cannot find such a fertilizer. Can you please guide me to a fertilizer. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 13, 2023

We don't make product recommendations, but when it comes to fertilizer, you can use something similar to what is recommended in articles. It doesn't have to be exact. You can use the same ratio as specified. If you do a search online for 20-10-20 fertilizer, several will come up. They are usually bloom booster types. If all else fails, just go with an all purpose 10-10-10.

If you've been using a product that is supposed to feed for two or three months, you may just want to add the organic fertilizer, bone meal, which promotes blooming.

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