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Calamondin Trees

Q.Calamondin Trees And Their Fruit

Zone Central Florida 33855 | JKrinbill added on May 5, 2022 | Answered

Sorry my earlier Q got mangled when I thought I had exceeded the 90 characters and backed up..leaving subject out! I questioned the articles’s mention of “seedless” fruit, 1 inch, cutting from tree to protect stem. The trees I’ve harvested had fruit with at least 3 small green seeds, fruit often a bit over 1 inch when ripe and plump, and cutting to keep from pulling a hole into the zipper skin, not the stem. Is this not true? And strongly recommend the calamondin pie, made with sweetened condensed milk and Cool Whip….and 12 crushed fruits, skin and all (less seeds), processed in blender.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 5, 2022

I have located the error and have passed this on to the editors! As far as using the fruit- Since you have a sweetened element in your pie, the fruit makes a wonderful addition. I could not imagine it would taste very good to have the fruit without something to sweeten it, though.

As with any "seedless" fruit... There will be broken rules. You will expect to see some from time to time.

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