Q.Calamondin tree
My calamondin tree bore fruits last year but suddenly new trunks of leaves showed up. Its about 3 ft tall now. I am not sure if its a different variety, but its leaves were how it should normally be last year. Pls see pictures..the first 2 is the normal leaves, the last one is the leaves that looks odd to me. This is the first time Ive seen this, my pther calamondin tree is “normal”. Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They seem to be curling in response to stress. The first suspect will be a pH imbalance. This is very common. You can correct this by adding dolomitic lime and iron sulfate together.
The next guess will be over or underwatering. Both can have the same symptoms. Only water when the top of the soil is almost completely dry. This will ensure that it receives the correct amount.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/calamondins/growing-calamondin-trees.htm