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Caladium Plants

Q.Caladiums and Wisteria

MrsGLP added on June 5, 2011 | Answered

I have planted a caladium garden and it looks like something has been eating on the caladium leaves. Half of some of the leaves are gone and some have small round holes in them. What can I treat them with? Also, my Wisteria plant looked healthy and I have fertilized it every 7 days. Now the leaves are wilting and some are turning yellow? Is it dying? What can I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 8, 2011

For the caladiums, it sounds like slugs. This article will help with that:

With the wisteria, you may have overfertilized and burned the roots. At best, they only need to be fertilized a few times a year. Stop fertilizing for now and increase watering a bit. This will wash out the excess fertilizer and help the plant return to health.

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