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Boxwood Shrubs

Q.Buxus Plants On Shallow Brick Work. Is This Appropriate?

Zone London | Anonymous added on April 13, 2021 | Answered

A couple of years ago I moved into my house. The former owners had made a feature of 4x 20cm tall buxus ball hedges outside the front of the house. They are planted on top of a brick structure, with only around 5cm of soil. Last summer during a very hot week, the plants got fried! I am keen to replace them (as they looked like a lovely feature) but wonder if they are really suitable for the task? ie planting in shallow soil. Any tip/advice/thoughts would be appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 14, 2021

No, that is too shallow. It's not surprising the plants fried. Is it possible to add soil to this feature? I'm having a little trouble picturing it exactly. If not, I would use a non-plant feature on the structure. Maybe a small water feature.

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