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Butternut Squash Plants

Q.butternut squash

Zone Salida, Colorado | Linda Latto added on October 10, 2016 | Answered

Thank you for your response to my earlier question. No, I got no fruits from this, but it suffered through Hayden Pass Fire. It had tons of blossoms, but only managed two barely formed squash. So I should actually pull them up? Is there a chance that they will come back up next year? Thanks again.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 11, 2016

With the fire and the mention of blossoms but no fruit, it's possible you did not have pollination. Lack of Bees or insects could be the reason for no pollinators in your area.
Hand pollinating may have helped earlier in the season, but you are now at the end of the growing season.
You can remove the vines and start again next year. These plants will not survive to fruit again, they are annual vines.

Check your local Farmers Market for some fresh Butternut Squash this year.


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