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Butterfly Bushes

Q.Butterfly bush uprooted

Zone 2015 | dhaku_j added on August 26, 2015 | Answered

My butterfly bush uprooted because of the rain just when it had bloomed. I am unsure if we can save the bush, as it’s more than 6 years old. Currently, we’ve cut the branches to release the weight in the hope to be able to raise it and place it back where it was planted. Can this be done to save an uprooted bush? And what needs to happen? It is raining still and unsure how long to wait as it has been traumatized. Please help…thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 28, 2015

Tamp down the soil around the plant to make sure no air pockets remain.
If the rains have been so heavy as to dislodge the roots, your plant may be in jeopardy. Does the water drain from the soil or is it pooling around the plant?
If there is mulch around the plant, pull this back.

I would recommend leaving the plant blossoms in place for now.
If the plant is large enough to attach a support I would certainly do so. Insert a stake far enough away from the roots and with a strong rope thread a piece of cut garden hose onto the string and position the hose unto the plant trunk and place enough tension on the rope to keep the plant in an upright position.
Best of luck.
Here is a link with more information.

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