Q.Bushes keep dying
We planted Bailey Compact American Cranberry bushes a few yrs ago along the SE corner of barn. We have amended the clay soil. Soil test was good, and we water them when needed. Still they die off. Could our SW winter winds do this?
It does look like winter die-back but this viburnum is hardy to zone 2. Are they well-watered going into winter? Drying winter winds strip moisture even from bare stems. When the ground is frozen, roots can't send water to those stems and they die. I see lots of new healthy growth so. I don't think disease is the problem. Try wrapping the plants with burlap or putting up a temporary burlap "fence" just in front of the bushes to cut down on wind. Also worth a try is watering the bushes mid winter if there hasn't been rain or snow melt. One or two quarts per bush should be enough.