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Burning Bush Plants

Q.Burning Bushes

Anonymous added on June 27, 2015 | Answered

I have 3 Burning Bushes. I just lost one that was only 3 years old. It was fine and then all of a sudden this month, the leaves started turning reddish like they do in the fall. Then the leaves started drying up and falling off. What do you think it could be? They are planted facing east but they have over 6 hours of full sun. We use a sprinkler system in Idaho and they are watered with the lawn in the early morning hours. The rest of my yard, shrubs are ok. Now the one beside it is starting to turn a little (as they would in fall) and I wonder if it is going to die. Can you give me any suggestions? I have purchased most of my shrubs from our local Home Depot. I have already had 4 other types of shrubs die. So I tend to blame their products. But this might not be the case. My Spireas are not doing well this year and they are about 3 years old. The flowers are dying and didn’t get many blooms this year. Should I cut the flowers off that are dead? I am very upset that I am losing so many things. I would appreciate any advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 28, 2015

It is hard to say for sure as there are any number of issues that can cause decline of these plants. Most likely it is a fungal disease brought about by some type of stress. You could try treating with a fungicide but keep in mind that this may not help and is dependent on the type of fungus, some of which there is no cure for.

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