Q.Burning bush berries
When do I plant the berries, spring or fall? Are they really poisonous to dogs and cats? Are the berries something that a dog would WANT to eat? Are they desirable for a dog? I picked some along a highway (the berries) and I want to plant them but I don’t know WHEN to plant them. And I certainly don’t want our pet dog to eat the berries and get sick or worse…would he WANT to eat the berries? And are they ALL poisonous? Thank you so much!
All parts of a Burning Bush are listed as poisonous.
The ASPCA lists the entire plant and seeds toxic to dogs and cats.
As to if the plant attracts dogs and cats; I don't have an answer.
If you plant digs in your yard, the berries and leaves do drop from this shrub. This would be something to consider.