Q.Bunch Of Tulips Delivered On Bulb – Remove Bulb Now Or After Flower/leaves Have Died
Hi there, I’m hoping you can help me. Today I received a bunch of tulips on the bulb (not planted) from my mother-in-law, as a thoughtful kindness after my recent surgery for thyroid cancer. I’m hoping to be able to store the bulbs and plant them next autumn. I suspect this is an obvious question, but I’m wondering if you can tell me whether it is better for the bulb/future plant for me to leave bulb attached to the flower and leaves for now until they die off and then store it, or should I remove the bulb now and dry it out for storage? Regards and thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since they are out of the ground, the roots lose the benefit of leaving the foliage on. I would go ahead and store them if there is no way to get them planted now.