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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Hendersonville, nc 28792 | Mudpuppy added on January 20, 2018 | Answered

My hyacinth bulbs which I’m forcing to give as gifts, seemed to be developing healthy roots, but when I picked them up to changed the cloudy water I noticed they all had rotting roots in the middle and some had mold underneath the outer skin. Can they be treated? Furthermore, I did not know the bulbs needed to be chilled and they were just left in a cool room (60-65 degrees) after I bought them in the fall. Does that mean the ones that do not have mold won’t bloom? I would hate to chuck them all and, being a retired, disabled nurse on fixed income, would like to nurse them back to health for next year’ if possible.
Thank you for any help,
Ines Illgen

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 21, 2018

Here is an excellent article on forcing hyacinth. https://www.longfield-gardens.com/article/How-to-Force-Hyacinth-Bulbs
Bulbs do need a chill period either outdoors if it doesn't freeze or in the frig. Bulbs grown in water are unable to nourish the bulb back to sufficient size and strength to bloom in successive years. Growing them in soil is a better option to keep them year to year.

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