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Chinese Lantern Plants

Q.Bugs on Chinese Lantern Plant

Anna827 added on April 14, 2018 | Answered

Could someone help me ID these bugs and any possible way to get rid of them?
I have wiped down the leaves a couple times and repotted in new soil/pot but they have come back.
None of my other plants around it seem to be infested.
Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 15, 2018

They don't seem to be doing any damage. Of those that you listed, I think they may be Snow Fleas.

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Answered on April 15, 2018

I'll make a few guess but if, on closer inspection, there is no match, repost with a close-up of the insect and what plants you find it on. Is it doing any damage? Black aphids, fungal gnats, spider mites and a harmless springtail called a snow flea are common.

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