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Brussels Sprouts

Q.Brussels Sprouts Started Indoors

Anonymous added on April 6, 2011 | Answered

For some reason, everything I try to do when it comes to growing these indoors fails. They always grow ‘spindley’, tall, and thin like a blade of grass and then fall over. But when I go to a store, theirs are 3+ inches tall with thick, hearty stalks and leaves. How do they grow them like that, or how canI grow mine like theirs? I saw some in a store yesterday that were 6 inches tall with thick stalks and leaves. How do I grow mine this way?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 6, 2011

They are not getting enough light, they "stretch" to get closer to a light source that is not strong enough. Either move them to a brighter window, or place them beneath a fluorescent light bulb placed just a few inches above them.

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