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Q.Brugmansia Water Rooted Cuttings Always Die When Potted Up …

Zone Torre-Pacheco, Murcia region of Spain | jeffd2651 added on April 20, 2020 | Answered

I’ve tried for years to perfect brugmansia cuttings techniques … without much luck. I’ve even bought seed which never germinate despite have a purpose seed tray and a grow light. The main problem I have is that I can get the stem cuttings to root in water but a short time afer I transfer them to a potting medium they die. I’ve tried al combinations of light & watering/not watering etc but I just don’t seem to be able to get it right. Any advice would be most welcomed. Thanks in anticipation. JD

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 22, 2020

They root very easily, so I would have to assume that your soil is either infected, or has too much nutrients in it.

Soil should be a light mix meant for starting seeds and cuttings. Keep slightly moist, but not wet or dry. This will usually require having the soil at the correct moisture content from the start, since it will likely establish before the need to water again arises (With proper humidity control, like a dome)

Here are some articles that will help:







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