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Bald Cypress Trees

Q.Brownish Tint

Zone 36043 | bullydogg added on May 31, 2020 | Answered

Hello, I have a Bald Cypress tree 16 feet tall, planted right at 2 1/2 years. they bare out in spring very well look full and healthy, Now (05/30/20)I noticed one of the trees seems to have a brownish tint to it. That’s the best I can explain it. should I be worried that tree is possibly dying? or is there something else going on with it. I water them 2 times a week about 2 gallon on each tree, tree trunk is roughly 3 inches thick.I do not see any bugs.My other cypress is fully green and looks good.I am uploading a couple of pictures maybe they will show the brownish tint. I live in Alabama.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2020

The trees would benefit from a deep watering once a week, rather than two light waterings.

A common problem is chlorosis due to alkaline soils, especially if the tree came from acidic soil.

I would get a soil sample done (local extension agent can do that) and make sure all is well in the soil. You can also discuss the brownish tint as he is probably familiar with that in the area.




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