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Mountain Laurels

Q.Browning Leaves On Small Mountain Laurel

Zone San Antonio, Texas 78253 | adrie added on August 11, 2021 | Answered

I have a small mountain laurel that the new grow leaves are getting brown spots that take over the whole leaf and it dies. Is this somekind of fungal disease? We have had an unusually wet summer for south Texas this year. How can I prevent this from going to the older growth leaves?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 11, 2021

That would be a cause for infection! I would turn to fungicides, and biofungicides. You can find both through many online vendors, or local gardening centers.

Many times, living fungicides are best, since they will outcompete infections and continue to live in soil long after the infection has been killed off.

These articles will help:




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