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Brown Turkey Fig Trees

Q.Brown Turkey Fig

Zone 78216 | Nancy Johnson added on November 18, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I live in San Antonio,TX and we have a huge Brown Turkey Fig tree. It has produced LOTS of fruit up until the last 2 summers. The extreme heat has definitely hurt it. It has a bunch of shoots coming up from the roots, but the old branches are not looking well. Here is my question: Can we cut back the old branches and allow the new ones to take over? We are going to have to do some heavy pruning anyway because the branches are knocking over the fence between our yard and the neighbors. Thank you for your answer in advance! Nancy

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 20, 2023

You can cut it down and let it come back from the roots, but if the cause is a disease then it may suffer the same fate. Figs can handle quite heavy pruning so that won't hurt it.

I would contact your local extension service. Taking samples to them can help get a better idea of what is going on and if you need to take antifungal action.


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