Q.Brown edges and dieing leaves on my nine bark shrubs
We planted 18 nine bark shrubs last month and have been watering consistently since but the leaves keep getting brown colored around the outside and die. Most of the shrubs are still producing new leaves but they too have brown edges. It looks like we’ve lost 2. Evey thing I’ve read on these shrubs say they are easy to grow…. Any ideas on what to do to save them??
How big is the root ball? You aren’t just watering the first couple inches of soil. Your goal is to slowly water the soil/mulch over the root ball so that the water does not run-off, and slowly percolates down into the soil, soaking that entire root zone.
The easiest and cheapest way to water shrubs is to lay a hose at the base of the plant, a few inches away. Turn the hose on a slow trickle and watch it. If you are getting a bunch of run-off, you need to turn the hose down. You will most likely need to have the hose run for about 10-20 minutes at 2-3 positions around the trunk. If that doesn’t seem like the method for you, you can use soaker hoses.
Avoid wetting the leaves, as they can become sunburned or even can be susceptible to disease.