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43 beans added on February 5, 2017 | Answered

Thank you for your response to my previous question. The Bromelaid that I was referring to is AECHMEA FASCIATA (Pink Vase). I since have taken off 2 more pups of one plant and have noticed another one coming along. So far of 2 plants I have had 9 pups, which I have repotted. Now on 1 plant there is another 4 coming plus 1 on the other plant. Is this normal or am I just lucky? Also, I have not cut the flower off as yet. When is the best time to do that or do leave them there until the plant does die?

Thank you.
Eric Kuchel.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 6, 2017

It is very common to have multiple pups from a single Bromeliad. You will generally end up with more then you started with.
It's fun to keep them or gift them to another garden friend.

Let the plant die back naturally and then nurture the next generation.

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